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Environmental Management Plan

Environmental management plans describe how an action might impact on the natural environment in which it occurs and set out clear commitments from the person taking the action on how those impacts will be avoided, minimised and managed so that they are environmentally acceptable.


The objective of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to formulate measures which will:


1. Mitigate adverse impacts on various environmental components, which have been identified during the rapid environmental impact assessment study.


2. Protect environmental resources where possible. 


3. Enhance the value of environmental components where possible. EMP also includes a monitoring plan to enable evaluation of the success or failure of environmental management measures, and to carry out reorientation of the plan if found necessary.


It is emphasised that many of the protective and enhancement measures can be implemented by adopting suitable planning and design criteria for construction of the project.

Cogs Illustration

Generally Environmental management plans describe how an action might impact on the natural environment in which it occurs and set out clear commitments from the person taking the action on how those impacts will be avoided, minimised and managed so that they are environmentally acceptable.

Man at his Desk
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